Friday, November 26, 2010

Say Goodbye to Sickness- By JOANNA MARKS '12

The winter season unquestionably entails many fun activities.  Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, snow days, Valentine’s Day, and two four-day weekends are all fun aspects of winter that may even make up for the lack of warmth during these months.  However, in order to enjoy these events, you must be healthy!

     There are about sixty-two million colds in the U.S. annually, and the majority of these take place during winter.  There are many steps that you can take in order to ensure good health this winter.

     The most important measure that must be taken is hand washing.  Unfortunately, cold and flu germs live on every surface.  When you touch these surfaces the germs stick to your hands, and are later transported to the inside of your body through grooming and eating.  By washing your hands frequently, you can rid these germs from your hands, thus preventing the transportation of germs from your hands to the inside of your body.  By doing so, good health will be maintained.
      The next step you should take is to never share food or drink. It may be tempting to take a sip of your best friend’s delicious beverage at lunch, however this could ultimately lead to illness.  Although your friend may not be sick at the moment, he or she could be on the verge of illness.  His or her germs will spread to your body, and you too will suffer.

     In an attempt to ward off illness, you should also make sure to get plenty of sleep.  This may be difficult during midterms come January, but one way to make sleep easier to come by is by incorporating a study schedule that will prevent late night cramming, which interferes with sleep.  Getting a solid eight hours of rest every night is a key component to staying both energetic and healthy.

     Finally, if you do get sick, do not try to suffer through your illness!  Continue to get plenty of rest, and drink lots of fluids, which will wash out poisons from your body.  You will be better before you know it.

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